Wednesday, March 6, 2013

U.S. History Word Wall


U.S. History Fabulous Fifty Word Wall

Please answer fill in the following using you U.S. History Answer Key


1.___________________________and 2)____________________________are part of the Unwritten Constitution.

When America threatened to take action to protect our economic interests in Latin America is

known as 3)__________________________________

                I will always remember that questions/answers about westward expansion will have the words

                4)_____________________________in them.


                Sacco and Vanzetti were victims of 5)__________________or 6)________________________,

                which is when Americans had a dislike or mistrust of immigrants.

                7) Protective tariffs are designed to help 7)___________________________________________


The 8)______________________________reduced tensions in the Middle East by brokering a peace agreement between Egypt and Israel.


The 9)________________________created a bicameral legislature. This is when there are two

houses of Congress called the 10)_________________and 11)__________________________.

I am aware that the word 12)________________________will be in many of the correct answer

regarding the 13)______________________________or



The 15)________________________wanted a Bill of Rights added to the Constitution because

they feared governmental16)________________________________.


Thomas Paine wrote 17)___________________________because he wanted colonists to seek

18)______________________from England.

When Thomas Jefferson signed a treaty to purchase the Louisiana Territory from the French, the

United States gained control of the 19)__________________________. This purchase set the

country on the course of 20)________________________________.

A 21)___________________________is someone who seeks to influence or persuade Congress to pass legislation (laws) favorable to their special interest group.

Upton Sinclair, 22)___________________, and 23)_______________________ are all


24)____________________________. These are journalists that wanted the government to

regulate big business or address various social issues during the 25)_______________________


The 26)______________________________decision ruled that 27)________________are

Property and could be taken by their owners to any state in the Union.


The 28)________________________________of the 1990s lowered tariffs and eliminated

quotas between the 29)_______________________________and the countries of Mexico and Canada.

If I see the name John Locke on the Regents, the question will likely be about 30)_____________


If I see the name 31)____________________________the question will probably be about the

National Bank. I will also recall that he was a Federalist and therefore 32)__________________

The ratification of the U.S. Constitution.




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