Saturday, March 2, 2013

Global Regents Fabulous Fifty

Mr. Rea’s Fabulous Fifty Questions for the Global Regents


The following are fifty multiple choice questions that you are likely to find on the Global History Regents. You should know these to the point where you can recognize them no matter how they are asked. The questions are somewhat predictable, they are just presented in various ways. You will also receive an Answer Key and Explanation Sheet. You should do these questions first and then refer to the Answer Key and fully read and understand why the correct answer is the correct answer. This is by no means a complete representation of all the things you need to do well on the Regents, but it should be very useful.


1  The Neolithic Revolution is often considered a turning point in history because


  1. city dwellers learned to control fire
  2. societies became more nomadic
  3. nuclear families evolved into extended families
  4. permanent settlements developed in river valleys


  1. The ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt were similar in that both cultures


  1. developed along rivers
  2. used the ziggurat form for their temples
  3. established trade routes to China
  4. used a hieroglyphic writing system


“If a seigner (noble) has knocked out the tooth of a seigner of his own rank, they shall knock out his tooth. But if he has knocked out a commoners tooth, he shall pay one-third mina of silver.”


                                                                                                                                -Code of Hammurabi

3. Which idea of Babylonian society does this portion of the Hammurabi code of law reflect?


  1. all men are equal under the law
  2. fines were preferable to corporal punishment
  3. divisions existed between social classes
  4. violence was always punished with violence


4. The Ancient Athenians are credited with


  1. inventing and using the wheel
  2. eliminating slavery
  3. establishing governments that had democratic elements
  4. inventing the printing press


  1. The Ancient Romans’ most significant contribution to Europe has been in the area of


  1. economics                                             3. drama
  2. poetry                                                    4. law


  1. According to the teachings of Confucius, the key to the successful organization of society is that


  1. the ruler should be chosen democratically
  2. the evil in humans must be eliminated
  3. ancestor worship should be discontinued
  4. individuals should know and do what is expected of them





  1. The Buddhist religion teaches that salvation is earned by


  1. following the Ten Commandments
  2. worshiping Allah as the one true god
  3. learning to give up selfish desire
  4. being baptized and confirmed


  1. Constantinople was a thriving city in the 1200s mainly because of


  1. it was a center for the Islamic religion
  2. its location on a major trade route between Asia and eastern Europe
  3. its conquering of the Roman Empire
  4. its close ties with England


  1. Feudalism in Western Europe was similar to feudalism in Japan in that


  1. power was based on class relationships
  2. equality among the classes
  3. direct democracy
  4. monotheism


 10. “All things were under its domain…its power was such that no one could hope to escape its scrutiny.”


Which European institution during the Middle Ages is best described by this statement?


1.       the Guild                                        3. the nation state

2.       Knighthood                                   4. the Church


  1. One similarity between the kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai is that all of these kingdoms were located


  1. in mountain terrain
  2. in coastal areas
  3. on major trading routes
  4. in rain forest areas


  1. Which activity occurred during the Golden Age of Muslim culture?


  1. destruction of books containing Greek and Roman ideas
  2. beginning of pilgramages to Mecca
  3. opposition to freedom of thought and to foreign ideas by rulers
  4. major discoveries in mathematics and science


  1. In Europe, a long-term effect of the Crusades was


  1. the strengthening of the feudal system
  2. the adoption of Islamic religious practices
  3. an increased demand for goods from the East
  4. increased European isolation







14. Which statement best describes a characteristic of the Renaissance in Europe?


  1. the social structure became very rigid
  2. creativity in the arts was encouraged
  3. the political structure was similar to that of the Roman Empire
  4. humanism decreased in importance



15. Which idea about leadership would Niccolo Machiavelli most likely support?


  1. leaders should do whatever is necessary to achieve their goals
  2. leaders should fight against discrimination and intolerance
  3. leaders should listen to the desires of the people
  4. elected leaders should be fair and good


16. Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses were a call for


  1. religious revolt against the German princes
  2. reforms within the Roman Catholic Church
  3. greater papal authority
  4. crusades to spread Christianity


17.  Which was an immediate result of the European Age of Exploration?


  1. Islamic culture spread across Africa and Asia
  2. European influence spread to the Western hemisphere
  3. independence movements developed in Asia and Africa
  4. military dictatorships were established throughout Europe


18. A study of the Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations of Latin America would show that these civilizations


  1. developed advanced and complex societies before the arrival of the Europeans
  2. established extensive trade with Pacific Rim nations
  3. were strongly influenced by their contact with Asian and African civilizations
  4. were relatively large, but not well organized


19. A main goal of the monarchs of Europe during the Age of Absolutism was to


  1. establish legislative bodies
  2. centralize political power
  3. improve the quality of life for the peasant class
  4. expand the role of the Catholic Church


20. Which pair of ideas were central to the Scientific Revolution?


  1. social stability and economic self-sufficiency
  2. observation and experimentation
  3. technology and military expansion
  4. scarcity and interdependence


21. Jean-Jacques Rousseau and John Locke both agreed that a government should be based on the


  1. separation of nationalities
  2. religious values of the people
  3. equal distribution of wealth
  4. consent of the governed


22. One important result of the French Revolution was that


  1. France enjoyed a lengthy period of peace and prosperity
  2. the church was restored to its former role and power in the French government
  3. political power shifted to the bourgeoisie
  4. France lost its spirit of nationalism


23. The French people supported Napoleon Bonaparte because they hoped he would


  1. adopt the ideas of the protestant Reformation
  2. restore Louis XVI to power
  3. provide stability for the nation
  4. end British control of France


24. During the early 1800’s, which was a major influence on the struggle for political independence in Latin America?


  1. poor conditions in urban centers in Latin America
  2. the desire of the Roman Catholic Church in Latin America to escape European control
  3. demands by Latin American workers to own their own factories
  4. the American and French Revolutions


25. Nationalism is most likely to develop in an area that has


  1. land suited to agriculture
  2. adequate industry to supply consumer demands
  3. a moderate climate with rivers for irrigation
  4. common customs, language, and history


26. The best example of the success of nationalism in Europe is the


  1. development of socialism in France
  2. Industrial Revolution in Great Britain
  3. establishment of the Common Market
  4. unification of Germany


27. A major result of the Industrial Revolution was the


  1. concentration of workers in urban areas
  2. increased desire of the wealthy class to share its power
  3. formation of powerful craft guilds
  4. control of agricultural production by governments


28. According to Karl Marx, history is the record of the


  1. granting of political liberties to all people
  2. struggle between classes in society
  3. wars and conflicts between national leaders
  4. increasing prosperity brought about by industrialization







29. In Japan, the Meiji Restoration resulted in the


  1. division of the nation between the European powers
  2. modernization of the nation’s industry
  3. abolition of the position of emperor
  4. government being controlled by the samurai


30. After 1880, European nations sought colonies in Africa primarily because the Europeans were


  1. in need of land for their surplus populations
  2. competing of raw materials and markets
  3. determined to bring Christianity to the Moslem world
  4. interested in completing their geographic knowledge of the world


31. The Boxer Rebellion of the early 20th century was an attempt to


  1. eliminate poverty among the Chinese peasants
  2. bring western-style democracy to China
  3. restore trade between China and European nations
  4. remove foreign influences from China


32. A major cause of World War I was


  1. a decline in the policy of imperialism
  2. the existence of opposing alliances
  3. an increase in acts of aggression by England
  4. the spread of communism throughout Europe


33. A major cause of the Russian Revolution of 1917 was the


  1. defeat of Germany in the Russian campaign
  2. marriage of Czar Nicholas II to a German princess
  3. existence of sharp economic differences between social classes
  4. appeal of Marxism to the Russian nobility


34. Which is an accurate statement about the Soviet economy under the leadership of Joseph Stalin?


  1. A large selection of consumer goods became available
  2. The Soviet Union increased its industrial output by developing heavy industry
  3. Private farmers were encouraged to sell their surplus produce in an open market
  4. The government reduced its role in planning industrial production


35. The harsh conditions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles after World War I helped lay the foundation for the


  1. Rise of fascism in Germany
  2. Uprisings during the French Revolution
  3. Division of Korea along the 38th parallel
  4. Bolshevik Revolution in Russia


36. Which was a characteristic of Germany under Adolf Hitler and the Soviet Union under Josef Stalin?


  1. An official foreign policy of isolationism
  2. Public ownership of business and industry
  3. The absence of a written constitution
  4. Governmental control of the media


37. Which is generally a characteristic of a communist economy?


  1. Investment is encouraged by the promise of large profits
  2. The role of government in the economy is restricted by law
  3. Government agencies are involved in production planning
  4. Entrepreneurs sell shares in their companies for the government


38. The Great Leap Forward in China and the Five-year Plans in the Soviet Union were attempts to increase


  1. Private capital investment
  2. Religious tolerance
  3. Individual ownership of land
  4. Industrial productivity


39. After World War II, the Chinese Communists were successful in their revolution mainly because the


  1. United States refused to support the Nationalists
  2. Communists had the support of the peasants
  3. Communists had more technologically advanced weapons
  4. Nationalists had been defeated by Japan


40. One way in which Kwame Nkurmah, Jomo Kenyatta, and Kenneth Kaunda are similar is that they all


  1. Supported the United Nations military action in the Persian Gulf War
  2. Rejected financial aid from the World Bank
  3. Opposed the Pan-African movement
  4. Played a major role in the independence movements in Africa


41. A major factor that continues to contribute to terrorist activities in the Middle East is


  1. A decrease in crude oil prices on the world market
  2. The Palestinian effort to establish a homeland
  3. The presence of United Nations forces in Syria
  4. The worldwide rejection of violence as a means to end conflict


42. In the Republic of South Africa, the primary goal of the African National Congress (ANC) has been to


  1. Eliminate communist influence
  2. Create a united Africa
  3. Rule as the majority political party
  4. Promote homeland areas for blacks


43. During the late 1980’s, the Soviet Union experienced internal unrest mainly as a result of


  1. Widespread protests against involvement in Afghanistan
  2. A lack of raw materials and natural resources
  3. A failure to use modern technology in the military
  4. Increased demands of minority ethnic groups


44. One way in which the travels of Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta are similar is that they resulted in


  1. an increased interest in different cultures
  2. the development of slavery
  3. a reduction in trade
  4. the discovery of East Asia


45. Which feature would most likely be included in an economic system based on traditional agriculture and self-sufficiency?


  1. banks                                                     3. gold standard
  2. barter                                                     4. tariffs



46. Which statement about the Green Revolution is most accurate?


  1. It reduced the amount of chemical pollutants in the environment
  2. It increased food output in many developing countries
  3. It decreased dependence on fossil fuels
  4. It attempted to end colonial rule


47. What was one of the primary reasons for the spread of the bubonic plague?


  1. colonization of the Americas
  2. development of the manorial system
  3. economic decline
  4. increase in trade


48. Which revolution led to the concept of banking, the creation of guilds, and the development of capitalism in Europe?


  1. Commercial                                          3. Scientific
  2. Agricultural                                           4. Industrial


49. One effect of the encomienda system in Latin America was that it


  1. eliminated the use of guilds
  2. promoted isolationism
  3. exploited indigenous people
  4. reduced Spanish influence


50. The invasion of Russia by France in 1812 and by Germany in World War II were unsuccessful in part because of the


  1. Russian alliances with China
  2. harsh climatic conditions in Russia
  3. inexperience of French and German military leaders
  4. failure of France and Germany to develop modern weapons
    Mr. Rea’s Fabulous Fifty Answer Key for Global History
    The words in bold lettering are the Topic/Key Word Connections
    1. – 4 - The Neolithic Revolution (a revolution is a period of great change) is a turning point because people went from wandering around looking for food (hunters and gatherers) to growing it where they settled (farming) and domestication (taming) of animals as well. This resulted in the growth of towns and civilizations (permanent settlements)
    2. – 1 – when the early civilizations developed, they were always along rivers. People need fresh water to grow food and provide drinking water. The four initial ancient civilizations are Egypt, Mesopotamia, Huang He (China-Middle Kingdom), and Indus River Valley (India). All were polytheistic (worshipped many gods).
    3. – 3 –The ruler of the ancient kingdom of Babylon, Hammurabi wanted to establish a code (law) that would establish punishments for various crimes. You will often see the phrase “an eye for an eye.” This is true if the crimes are committed against someone of your own rank (class), but nobles and commoners are still not equal under this law. Remember – divisions in social classes have always existed throughout Global History.
    4 – 3 – Always associate Ancient Greece with government (democracy – people rule). The Athenians developed Direct Democracy (men vote on everything) and the Spartans were always about military service. Athens and Sparta were separate City-States that were isolated from each other due to the mountainous topography (landscape) in Greece. You should also always connect Alexander the Great with the spread of Hellenistic Culture.
    5 – 4 – Always associate Ancient Rome with law (Twelve Tables) and their road systems. The Romans did also practice Representative or Republican Democracy (when you elect your leaders). The 200 year period of peace and stability that lasted during the Roman Empire is known as the Pax Romana.
    6 – 4 – Confucius believed in social order (individuals in society know what is expected of them) and filial piety (people’s proper place in society – older superior to younger). Confucius collected his teaching in his book The Analects. Remember – the Chinese invented gunpowder
    7 – 3 – The Buddhist religion believes in suffering here on earth (giving up selfish desires) in order to achieve nirvana (ultimate peace). Buddha (Enlightened One) also developed the Four Noble Truths.
    Note – All religions provide guidelines for human behavior. The three monotheistic (belief in a single god) religions and their books of study/worship are Christianity/Bible, Islam/Koran, and Judaism/Torah.
    8 – 2 – Constantinople was a major city due to its location (on a waterway between Eastern Europe and Asia) which resulted in it being a gateway for trade between the two continents. It was also the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) and the center of the Eastern Orthodox religion which is a stricter form of Christianity. Also connect the Byzantine Empire with the words Hagia Sophia, Cyrillic Alphabet, and its influence on Kievan Russia. Emperor Justinian developed Justinian’s Code, which served as a model for the laws of many European countries.
    9 – 1 – All feudal societies are based on class relationships. For Europe it is in this order King/Nobles/Knights/Serfs or peasants. The Knights code of behavior is called chivalry. Land is the most important possession. Manorialism is the economic system structured around a feudal estate. In Japan it is Emperor/Shogun/Daimyo/Samurai/Peasants. The Code of Bushido is what the Samurai follow
    10  – 4 – the Church is the center of people’s lives in the Middle Ages and the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church is more powerful than any king.
    11 – 3 – Whenever you see a question about the African kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai (Timbuktu), the answer will have the word trade in it or the fact that they traded salt and gold or are located on major trade routes.
    12 – 4 – Any question about a Golden Age will have a very positive answer and will be about major discoveries, technological advancements, or significant works of art, medicine and literature. Remember – the Muslims invented algebra.
    13 – 3 – The Crusades increased trade between Europe and the Middle East and weakened the system of feudalism. The trade led to the growth of cities in Europe and the eventual weakening of the Roman Catholic Church.
    14 – 2 – Any questions about the Renaissance will be about the growth of the arts, emphasis on the individual, or emphasis on humanism (renewal of Greek and Roman culture). Always look for a positive answer on Renaissance questions.
    15 – 1 – Niccolo Machiavelli was a Renaissance author who wrote The Prince. He advised rulers that they should do whatever is necessary to maintain power or achieve their goals.
    16 – 2 – Always connect any question with the name Martin Luther with the Protestant Reformation, 95 Thesis, Sale of Indulgences, new Christian denominations, and reforms within the Catholic Church. Martin Luther protested against corruption in the Roman Catholic Church and this led to a decrease in its power and new Christian religions (denominations). This also led to increased power of the monarchy (kings and queens) as they gained more influence. The invention of the printing press also led to the spread of ideas and information and an increase in literacy (ability to read).
    17 – 2 – The Age of Exploration led to the discovery of the Americas (Western hemisphere). New discoveries such as the compass, astrolabe, and better maps (cartography), enabled this to happen. Europeans were also looking for new trade routes to the East due to the demand for goods from that part of the world. The first meeting between Europeans and Native Americans is called The Encounter. Always associate Christopher Columbus with the Age of Discovery and the phrase Pre-Columbian means before Columbus discovered the New World in the year 1492. The Columbian Exchange is when food and animals from one hemisphere were exchanges with the other hemisphere. Example – tomatoes and potatoes are from Latin America and horses are from the Middle East. Imagine Italian food (pizza) without tomato sauce, the Irish without potatoes, and Native Americans without horses.
    Note – The mass migration (when many people move from one place to another) of the 1840s from Ireland to America was due to the potato famine (not enough food). Look for the words famine and mass starvation in questions about this.
    18 – 1 – All of these Native American civilizations were known for their complex civilizations. The Aztecs built a city Tenochtitlan that rivaled any in Europe in terms of technology. The Mayans developed a sophisticated calendar and a system of writing. The Incans are known for their road system and terrace farming.
    19 – 2 – Absolutism means that one ruler (King) has all the power. If you see Philip II of Spain and/or Louis XVI of France the answer will be absolute ruler. Absolute rulers want all the power so they will centralize (combine) power. Absolute rulers believed in divine right (their power came from god). Any time that you see a Roman Numeral after someone’s name, they are an Absolute Ruler.
    Note – The Glorious Revolution occurred later in England, which resulted in a bloodless transfer of power. The signing of the Magna Carta created a limited or constitutional monarchy, in which the king shares power with a legislative (law making) body such as Parliament.
    20 – 2 – During the Scientific Revolution people had a spirit of inquiry (asking questions). No longer were people going to accept traditional (old) ideas or theory. All new knowledge was based on observation and experimentation or the Scientific Method. Always associate the names Galileo Galilei, Nicolas Copernicus, Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, etc, with the Scientific Revolution
    21 – 4 – Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Locke (Natural Rights), Baron de Montesquieu (Separation of Powers) , Voltaire (Freedom of Speech), etc are the Enlightenment philosophers. They did not believe in absolute rulers. They believed that power in government should come from the people (consent of the governed – John Locke). All of then believed that people should elect their leaders.
    22 – 3 – When the Third Estate (peasant and middle class) got rid of the King in France, power shifted mainly to the middle class (bourgeoisie). Remember the three main reasons for all political revolutions 1) political – bad government, 2) social – social inequality – the Third Estate paid all the taxes and owned little land, and 3) economic – food shortages. The French people were also inspired by Enlightenment ideas.
    23 – 3 – The French people accepted an Emperor (Napoleon) after getting rid of a King, because he brought stability to the nation (everyone paid taxes not just the Third Estate, established public schools, improved the economy, and established a fair system of law – Napoleonic Code). The French people wanted stability after the Reign of Terror (Robespierre). Napoleon also conquered most of Western Europe which led to an increase in Nationalism (pride in one’s country) throughout Europe after the French Revolution.
    Note – The Congress of Vienna (Prince von Metternich), which met after the fall of Napoleon, wanted to restore the balance of power in Europe and return former rulers to their thrones.
    24 – 4 – Most of Latin America was made up of Spanish colonies. Inspired by American Revolution and French Revolution, they decided they wanted their own independence. Always associate the names Simon Bolivar, Toussaint L’Ouverture, and Jose de San Martin with leading independence or nationalist movements in their country.
    25 – Nationalism (pride in one’s country) will always develop in places where people have similarities or things in common such as customs, language, and history. Remember – similarities bring people together and differences drive them apart.
    26. – 4 – nationalism will always bring people together. The unification of Germany (Otto von Bismarck) and the unification of Italy (Giuseppe Garibaldi) will be the two names you will see concerning unification, which results from people having common language, customs, and history. Always connect Otto von Bismarck with the phrase “Blood and Iron” also.
    27 – 1 – The industrial revolution increased the number of cities (urban areas) because factories were being built and people moved from the country (rural areas) to the cities because jobs were available. Always remember that the Industrial Revolution started in England because they had 1) an available labor force (people), 2) abundant natural resources (coal and iron), 3) natural power sources (fast moving rivers), and 4) Adequate capital (money for investment). Another theme of the Industrial Revolution is that people went from making clothes in the home by hand, to making them in a factory with machines. The textile industry (making clothes) was the first industry affected by the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution improved many people’s lives (growth of a middle class), but it also led to overcrowded and dirty cities (slums)
    28 – 2 – Karl Marx hated capitalism (private ownership of business/free market) and wanted all available resources to be shared by all the people. He developed Marxism which is a political and social system in which all people are equal (classless society) and share all resources equally. Always look for the words/phrases “history is the struggle between classes,” proletariat (workers), overthrow capitalism, means of production, etc. He also wrote a book called The Communist Manifesto. Communism is a corrupt form of Marxism because it does not create a classless society (government officials are like the nobility and own the land and the majority of the citizens are poor).
    Note – You should also know about Adam Smith who wrote The Wealth of Nations which promotes capitalism/free market/free enterprise (private ownership of business and supply and demand) and laissez-faire (when government stays out of business affairs/free market)
    29 – 2 – always look for the word modernization when you see any questions about the Meiji Restoration. You may also see questions that connect the Meiji Restoration with the Japanese need to acquire natural resources in other countries by force (imperialism). You should also connect the word MODERNIZATION with Peter the Great and Ataturk.
    30 – 2 – This is a question about imperialism (when a stronger country dominates/controls a weaker country). The stronger countries will always be European and the weaker countries will be in Africa and Asia. The Industrial Revolution led to Imperialism because countries need raw materials to manufacture things in their factories, and markets to sell their products. They would take a weaker countries’ raw materials and then force them to buy the products that they made from them. Any question about imperialism will have an answer that will be about exploitation (using) by the stronger country over the weaker country. What made them stronger? Better technology (weapons). Questions about the poem White Mans Burden will be about how it was the responsibility of Europeans (colonials) to improve the lives of colonial people (Africans/Asians). The Scramble for Africa was when European countries competed for African territory. They divided up Africa at the Berlin Conference based on their needs and did not consider the needs of the colonial people (Africans). These European made boundaries have resulted in much ethnic and regional conflict that continues to this day.
    31 – 4 – Any questions about the Boxer Rebellion (China) or Sepoy Mutiny (India) will be about removing foreign influences from their countries. Questions about the Opium War will be about the fact that the British had better technology (weapons) and created Spheres of Influence (areas of control) in China.
    Note – Any questions mentioning Commodore Matthew Perry will be about the opening of trade and ports in Japan and ending their isolation.
    32 – 2 – The five causes of World War 1 spell out MANIA.  1. Militarism (a country’s preparation for war), 2. alliances (a country’s promise to fight with another country if they go to war), 3. nationalism (pride in one’s country which created competition), 4. imperialism (when a stronger country dominates a weaker one), and 5. assassination (Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist). The reason why WWI was so destructive is due to new technology (weapons) such as tanks, machine guns, poison gas, and airplanes (industrialized war)
    33 – 3 – the three main causes of ANY political revolution are 1) political (bad government), social (social inequality – the nobles own all the land), and economic (food shortages). In the Russian Revolution, the Bolshevik/Communist leader Vladimir Lenin gained the support of the peasants by promising them “Peace, Land, and Bread” and was able to overthrow czarist rule. He would get them out of World War I, divide the land among the peasants, and improve the economy and end their hunger. All 20th century revolutionaries, Lenin (Russia), Mao (China), and Castro (Cuba), were able to overthrow the existing governments by gaining the support of the peasant class (the vast majority of people) by promising them land (they never got it by the way).
    34 – 2 - The Russian Revolution ended up with the creation of the Soviet Union where peasants worked on collective farms/communes and the government owned all the land and means of production (industry). The emphasis was on heavy industry (Five Year Plans) to make the country strong and able to compete with the West (Europe).
    35 – 1 – The harsh conditions of the Treaty of Versailles (Germany had to accept full responsibility for the war and pay reparations/costs of the war) destroyed the German economy (created economic conditions) and created resentment in that country. This allowed Adolf Hitler to rise up and seize power and impose a fascist (when the state/government is more important than the individual). Remember – the mistakes after World War I (Treaty of Versailles) led to World War II.
    36 – 4 – All dictators (Hitler/Stalin/Mussolini/Mao/Castro) set up totalitarian regimes where the government controls all aspects of their citizen’s lives through oppression (creation of fear), secret police/mass arrests, control of the media (burning books) and not allowing freedom of speech. These governments also control all means of production (industry). Remember – totalitarian means total control.
    37 – 3 – in a communist/totalitarian government (Soviet Union/China/Cuba/North Korea), the economy is fully controlled by the government (means of production) and capitalism (private ownership of business) does not exist. During the 1990’s China gained wealth by combining communist principles (the things they believed in) with capitalism/free market under their leader Deng Xiaoping.
    38. 4 – Both the Great Leap Forward (China) and the Five-year Plans (Soviet Union) will always be about increasing heavy industry or industrial production.
    39 – 2 – Remember – every successful political revolution of the 20th century gained the support of the peasants by promising them land.
    40 – 4 – Whenever you see three names such as these grouped together, the correct answer will be that they played a role in independence or nationalist movements. The only exceptions will be if they list names from the Scientific Revolution or Enlightenment.
    41 – 2 – Much of the terrorism that is based in the Middle East is over the tension created when the State of Israel (Jewish homeland) was created after World War II. The movement to create a Jewish homeland is Zionism and the movement started with the Balfour Declaration. Connect Zionism and Balfour Declaration with Israel or Palestine.
    42 – 3 – The African National Congress (ANC), led by Nelson Mandela, fought to end the system of apartheid (separation of the races) in South Africa and achieve racial and political equality with whites. Since blacks are the majority of that nation, they would rule as the majority ruling political party if they got the right to vote. Remember – always connect apartheid with racism.
    43 – 4 – The Soviet Union broke apart in the 1980’s and 90’s because many people that were a part of it were not Russian (ethnic minorities). Similarities/commonalities bring people together (nationalism/unification) and differences tear them apart which is also an aspect of nationalism.
    44 – 1 – Many people traveled to the Far East during the early Middle Ages, but Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta were the only ones that wrote about it. When people heard about the products and wonders of the Far East, it increased a demand for goods (trade) and interest in Asian culture.
    45 – 2 – Any economy or culture that is traditional, is one that has been passed down through the generations (it is very old or has not been changed). Before there was money, people had to trade things (barter) in order to get other things. A traditional economy will always be about farming/agriculture because people have to eat before they can go and do anything else.
    46 – 2 – any question about the Green Revolution will have the words food, agriculture, or grain in the correct answer. It is a revolution (period of great change) because modern technology has enabled people to grow much more food.
    47 – 4 – the interaction of people (due to trade) spread the plague from Asia to Europe. Rats hitched a ride with traders returning from the Far East to Europe and then fleas bit into the rats and then jumped on people. When the fleas bit the people they jumped on, the disease was transmitted. The Bubonic/Black Plague is the only time when Europe’s population drastically decreased and caused a labor shortage.
    48 – 1 – whenever you see mention of a revolution or reading passage that mentions things to do with money or business (trade, banking, guilds/unions, capitalism) it will be about the Commercial Revolution. This all happened because of the expansion of trade & growth of cities between 1000 and 1300 A.D. This first established a middle class.
    49 – 3 – The term “indigenous people” refers to the people that are from a certain area (natives). In this case, that means the Native Americans. The Encomienda System enslaved the Native Americans, but they soon died because they had no defense (immunity) against European diseases. Their labor was replaced by importing African slaves, which is known as the Triangular Trade because the routes formed a triangle from Europe to Africa to the New World. The leg of the Triangular Trade that shipped the Africans (slaves) to the New World is known as the Middle Passage because it was the 2nd of 3 legs of the journey. Remember – the Spanish were able to defeat much larger numbers of Native Americans because they had better technology (weapons), but more Native Americans died from exposure to diseases.
    Note – the term mercantilism refers to the economic system where a colony exists to support the mother country (Spain). The mother country wants to establish a favorable balance of trade (they sell more than they buy). Always look for the word colony in an answer about mercantilism.
    50 – 2 – The harsh Russian winter helped defeat both Napoleon (France) and Hitler (Germany). Look for the words climate or cold in the correct answer whenever you see a question about either of these countries attacking Russia.







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