Wednesday, March 13, 2013

U.S. History 25 Key Question Answer Key and Explanations

  1. 3 – The Great Compromise always deals with the issue of state representation in Congress
  2. 2 – The Bill of Rights (first 10 amendments) was added to the Constitution because Antifederalists (people opposed to the Constitution) were concerned that the federal government would get too powerful. The Bill of Rights prevented the federal government from abusing their power and guaranteed people’s rights and liberties.
  3. 2 – the most frequent criticism of the Electoral College System is that a presidential candidate can win the presidency without getting a majority of the votes cast
  4. 1 – The Monroe Doctrine will always deal with Europe having to stay out of Latin American affairs.
  5. 1 – Harlem Renaissance will always be about African American cultural achievements (writers, artists, musicians)
  6. 1 – President Franklin Roosevelt’s court packing plan (increasing the number of justices on the Supreme Court) threatened the system of checks and balances. In other words, it would have made his presidency too powerful.
  7. 4 – Common Sense questions will always be about American independence from Great Britain
  8. 3 – The elastic clause allows the Constitution to change or adapt to changing times. It gives Congress the power to do “whatever is necessary and proper” to carry out its duties.
  9. 2 – “delegated” powers are those that are written into the Constitution for the federal government – they include declaring war, coining money and controlling trade between the states (interstate trade)
  10.  2 – The Homestead Act encouraged Americans to settle lands out west. The government gave them free land to encourage them to move out there.
  11.  4 – The Great Migration will always have an answer that mentions jobs. Jobs are the main reason why people move.
  12.  4 – The Sacco and Vanzetti trial will always have an answer that mentions intolerance or prejudice against immigrants
  13.  3 – Any questions about judicial review or the case Marbury v. Madison will always involve the power of the Supreme Court to declare laws unconstitutional.
  14.  3 – The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 established the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve controls the nation’s money supply and establishes interest rates
  15.  3 – The case Schenck v.United States will always be about constitutional rights not being absolute or freedom of speech.
  16.  4 – the reason why the Mississippi River is so important is that it provided a route for trade. Always look for the word trade.
  17.  3 – Manifest Destiny will always be about westward expansion
  18.  3 – questions about the census will always have the words House of Representatives in the correct answer
  19.  4 – Federalism is when power is split between the federal and state governments
  20.  3 – The Jungle will always be about meat inspection or the Pure Food and Drug Act.
  21.  3 – Brown v. Board of Education will always be about banning racial segregation in schools,
  22.  4 – The United States always followed a policy of neutrality or isolationism throughout its history until the end of World War II.
  23.  3 – see number 22 above
  24.  2 – whenever you see the word “détente,” look for the Soviet Union in the correct answer
  25.  2 – The Seneca Falls Convention (Lucretia Mott/Elizabeth Cady Stanton) will always be about women’s rights or the women’s rights movement. It might also mention the struggle to achieve women’s suffrage (right to vote).

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