Sunday, June 2, 2013

Rea's Regents Tutorial Intro


Go To a Google Search bar and type in the following URL.  This will bring you to the tutorial for both the Global and United States History Regents. Once there you should


1.       Go to the Fabulous Fifty Questions and see how many you can answer correctly. Use the Answer Key and Explanation sheets to see how you did and get a detailed explanation for each topic that is represented. Look at the other multiple choice questions and the Answer Key and Explanations sheets to supplement the Fabulous Fifty.



2.       Do the Word Wall exercises and Word Wall study guides.



3.       If you missed any classes or feel that you don’t fully understand a particular topic, go to the various video tutorials for both Global and U.S. History. Most of them are good and won’t tell you anything that will harm you.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

U.S. History 25 Key Question Answer Key and Explanations

  1. 3 – The Great Compromise always deals with the issue of state representation in Congress
  2. 2 – The Bill of Rights (first 10 amendments) was added to the Constitution because Antifederalists (people opposed to the Constitution) were concerned that the federal government would get too powerful. The Bill of Rights prevented the federal government from abusing their power and guaranteed people’s rights and liberties.
  3. 2 – the most frequent criticism of the Electoral College System is that a presidential candidate can win the presidency without getting a majority of the votes cast
  4. 1 – The Monroe Doctrine will always deal with Europe having to stay out of Latin American affairs.
  5. 1 – Harlem Renaissance will always be about African American cultural achievements (writers, artists, musicians)
  6. 1 – President Franklin Roosevelt’s court packing plan (increasing the number of justices on the Supreme Court) threatened the system of checks and balances. In other words, it would have made his presidency too powerful.
  7. 4 – Common Sense questions will always be about American independence from Great Britain
  8. 3 – The elastic clause allows the Constitution to change or adapt to changing times. It gives Congress the power to do “whatever is necessary and proper” to carry out its duties.
  9. 2 – “delegated” powers are those that are written into the Constitution for the federal government – they include declaring war, coining money and controlling trade between the states (interstate trade)
  10.  2 – The Homestead Act encouraged Americans to settle lands out west. The government gave them free land to encourage them to move out there.
  11.  4 – The Great Migration will always have an answer that mentions jobs. Jobs are the main reason why people move.
  12.  4 – The Sacco and Vanzetti trial will always have an answer that mentions intolerance or prejudice against immigrants
  13.  3 – Any questions about judicial review or the case Marbury v. Madison will always involve the power of the Supreme Court to declare laws unconstitutional.
  14.  3 – The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 established the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve controls the nation’s money supply and establishes interest rates
  15.  3 – The case Schenck v.United States will always be about constitutional rights not being absolute or freedom of speech.
  16.  4 – the reason why the Mississippi River is so important is that it provided a route for trade. Always look for the word trade.
  17.  3 – Manifest Destiny will always be about westward expansion
  18.  3 – questions about the census will always have the words House of Representatives in the correct answer
  19.  4 – Federalism is when power is split between the federal and state governments
  20.  3 – The Jungle will always be about meat inspection or the Pure Food and Drug Act.
  21.  3 – Brown v. Board of Education will always be about banning racial segregation in schools,
  22.  4 – The United States always followed a policy of neutrality or isolationism throughout its history until the end of World War II.
  23.  3 – see number 22 above
  24.  2 – whenever you see the word “détente,” look for the Soviet Union in the correct answer
  25.  2 – The Seneca Falls Convention (Lucretia Mott/Elizabeth Cady Stanton) will always be about women’s rights or the women’s rights movement. It might also mention the struggle to achieve women’s suffrage (right to vote).

U.S. History 25 Key Questions

These are examples of 25 key U.S. History questions thay are likely to be on the Regents. Look at the Answer Key and study these along with the U.S. Fabulous Fifty.


_________1. The Great Compromise reached at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 settled a dispute over how


1.        state boundaries would be determined

2.        the states would be represented in Congress

3.        power would be divided between the states and the national government

4.        a leader would be selected for the executive branch


________2. The adoption of the Bill of Rights (1791) addressed Antifederalist criticism of the new Constitution by


1.        providing for an indirect method of electing the president

2.        protecting citizens from abuses of power by the national government

3.        allowing the national government to coin money

4.        establishing a process for impeaching federal officials


________3.  A major criticism of the electoral college is that it


1.        limits the influence of the two-party political system

2.        allows a president to be elected without a majority of the popular vote

3.        forces each political candidate to campaign in every state

4.        makes the federal election process too expensive


________4. A major purpose of the Monroe Doctrine (1823) was to


1.        limit European influence in the Western Hemisphere

2.        establish United States colonies in South America

3.        form military alliances with Latin American nations

4.        avoid involvement in Canadian conflicts


_________5. One goal of many Harlem Renaissance writers was to


1.        increase pride in African American culture

2.        support existing racial barriers

3.        cut off connections with mainstream American values

4.        encourage African Americans to create their own political party


________6. Congress opposed President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s plan to increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court because the plan would have


1.        threatened the principle of checks and balances

2.        abolished judicial review

3.        violated the elastic clause of the Constitution

4.        given the federal government too much power over the states


________7. In the pamphlet Common Sense, Thomas Paine urged American colonists to


1.        oppose French colonization of North America

2.        compromise with the British

3.        reaffirm their loyalty to King George III

4.        declare their independence from Great Britain


________8. Which idea did the Founding Fathers include in the Constitution that allows Congress to meet the needs of a changing society?


1.        federalism                                                                                3. the elastic clause

2.        separation of powers                                                               4. States rights


_________9. Which power was delegated to the federal government in the United States Constitution?


1.        establishing an official religion

2.        controlling interstate commerce

3.        regulating marriage and divorce

4.        granting titles of nobility


________10 . The Homestead Act (1862) attempted to promote development of western lands by


1.        creating a system of dams for irrigation

2.        providing free land to settlers

3.        removing all restrictions on immigration

4.        placing Native American Indians on reservations


_________11. What was the primary reason for the great migration of African Americans to northern cities during World War II?


1.        Jim Crow laws in the south had been repealed

2.        Voting rights laws had been passed in northern states

3.        The federal government had guaranteed and end to discrimination

4.        Job opportunities were available in northern factories


________12. Which characteristic of the 1920s is illustrated by the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti?


1.        hostility toward woman’s suffrage

2.        support for segregation

3.        opposition to separation of church and state

4.        intolerance toward immigrants


_______13. Which action is an example of judicial review?


1.        The president proposes a bill to reduce the powers of the federal courts.

2.        A state court finds a defendant guilty of murder

3.        The Supreme Court declares a federal law unconstitutional

4.        The Senate approves a president’s nominee for the Supreme Court


_______14. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was intended to


1.        create a national parks system

2.        regulate the stock market

3.        control the nation’s money supply

4.        establish homelands for Native American Indians


_______15. Which argument was used by the Supreme Court in reaching its “clear and present danger” ruling in Schenck v. United States (1919)?


1.        The military is under civilian control

2.        Powers are separated between the federal and state governments

3.        Constitutional rights are not absolute

4.        The Constitution provides for equal protection under the law


________16. In the early 1800s, the Mississippi River was important to the United States because it


1.        led to wars between Great Britain and Spain

2.        divided the Indian territories from the United States

3.        served as a border between the United States and Mexico

4.        served as a major highway for trade


________17. In the 1840s, the term Manifest Destiny was used by many Americans to justify


1.        the extension of slavery into the territories

2.        war with Russia over the Oregon territory

3.        westward expansion into lands claimed by other nations

4.        the acquisition of colonies in Latin America


________18. The United States Constitution requires that a national census be taken every ten years to


1.        provide the government with information about voter registration

2.        establish a standard for setting income tax rates

3.        determine the number of members each state has in the House of Representatives

4.        decide who can vote in presidential elections


________19. Federalism is a term used to define the division of power between the


1.        president and the vice president

2.        Senate and House of Representatives

3.        three branches of the federal government

4.        national and state levels of government


________20. In 1906, the publication of The Jungle, written by Upton Sinclair, led Congress to


1.        enact stronger prohibition laws

2.        support the national conservation movement

3.        establish a system for meat inspection

4.        legalize strikes and boycotts by labor unions


_________21.  In 1954,  the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka advanced the civil rights movement by


1.        guaranteeing equal voting rights to African Americans

2.        banning racial segregation in hotels and restaurants

3.        declaring that racial segregation in public schools violated the 14th amendment

4.        upholding the principles of separate but equal public facilities


_________22. At the beginning of World War II, national debate focused on whether the United States should continue the policy of


1.        coexistence                                                              3. imperialism

2.        containment                                                             4. isolationism


_________23. At the beginning of World War I, President Woodrow Wilson followed a traditional United States foreign policy by


1.        refusing to permit trade with either side in the conflict

2.        sending troops to Great Britain

3.        declaring American neutrality

4.        requesting an immediate declaration of war against the aggressors


________24.  President Richard Nixon’s policy of détente is best characterized by his


1.        decision to dismantle the nuclear weapons arsenal of the United States

2.        attempt to reduce tensions with the Soviet Union

3.        order to bomb Cambodia

4.        support for membership in the United Nations for communist countries


________25. The Seneca Falls Convention of 1948 is often viewed as the beginning of the


1.        temperance movement                                             3. antislavery movement

2.        women’s rights movement                                      4. Native American Indian movement



U.S. History DBQ Essay Video Tutorial

Let Mr. Hughes give you some tips on how to write the DBQ Essay. Nothing he tells you will hurt you and it might just provide you with the knowledge and inspiration to write a great essay. Click on the link below........Mr. Rea

Global History Thematic Essay Video Tutorial

Let Mr. Hughes help you with the Thematic Essay. Nothing he tells you should hurt you and he might just give you the knowledge and inspiration to write a great Thematic Essay. Click on the link below.......Mr. Rea

U.S. History Thematic Essay Video Tutorial

Listen to Mr. Hughes give you some tips on the U.S. History Thematic Essay. Nothing he tells you will hurt you and it can help you a great deal. Click on the link below......Mr. Rea

Global DBQ Essay Video Tutorial

Listen to Mr. Hughes tell you his method for writing a Global DBQ Essay. Nothing you hear should hurt you and you can compare what he tells you with what Mr. Rea tells you in class or in another section of this study blog. Click on the link below.........Mr. Rea

Global History Video Tutorial

Listen to Mr. Hughes teach you about a variety of Global History topics. If you don't fully understand something in Global History or missed classes, let him explain the various things that you need to know. He won't tell you anything that will harm you and he might just tell you the things that will get you to a passing grade.Click on the link below........Mr. Rea

U.S. History Video Tutorial

Listen to Mr. Hughes teach you about a variety of U.S. History topics. If you don't fully understand something in U.S. History or missed classes, let him explain the various things that you need to know. He won't tell you anything that will harm you and he might just tell you the things that will get you to a passing grade.Click on the link below........Mr. Rea

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Global History Word Wall 1


Global History Vocabulary Word Wall – Match the words on the top with the definitions.

1.       Revolution                                                                         7. Imperialism

2.       Encomienda                                                                       8. feudalism

3.       Capitalism                                                                          9. industrialization

4.       Magna Carta                                                                    10. nationalism

5.       Hellenistic                                                                       11. The Encounter

6.       Urbanization                                                                   12. Global History Success



_________I. An economic system that involves the ability to make money


_________II. Native American slavery


_________III. The Growth of cities


__________IV. When Europeans (Columbus) first met Native Americans


__________V. Pride in one’s country


__________VI. When Alexander the Great spread Greek culture


________VII. When stronger nations dominate weaker ones


________VIII. An econo9mic and political system that depends on land and a rigid class system


________IX. The document that limited the monarch’s power in England


________X.  Going from hand tools to machinery


________XI. A period of great change


________XII. Getting to class on time, focusing on the work, cooperating with the teacher and fellow students, and doing well on the tests.


U.S. History Word Wall Answer Key

U.S. Word Wall Answer Key


  1. Presidential Cabinet
  2. Political Parties
  3. Dollar Diplomacy
  4. Manifest Destiny
  5. Nativism
  6. Intolerance towards immigrants
  7. manufacturers
  8. Camp David Accords
  9. Great Compromise
  10. Senate
  11. House of Representatives
  12. Representation
  13. Great Compromise
  14. Three-Fifths Compromise
  15. Anti-Federalists
  16. Abuses of Power
  17. Common Sense
  18. Independence
  19. Mississippi River
  20. Manifest Destiny
  21. Lobbyist
  22. Jacob Riis
  23. Ida Tarbell
  24. Muckrakers
  25. Progressive Era
  26. Dred Scott
  27. slaves
  28. NAFTA Agreement
  29. United States
  30. The Declaration of Independence or Natural Rights
  31. Alexander Hamilton
  32. a supporter of

U.S. History Word Wall


U.S. History Fabulous Fifty Word Wall

Please answer fill in the following using you U.S. History Answer Key


1.___________________________and 2)____________________________are part of the Unwritten Constitution.

When America threatened to take action to protect our economic interests in Latin America is

known as 3)__________________________________

                I will always remember that questions/answers about westward expansion will have the words

                4)_____________________________in them.


                Sacco and Vanzetti were victims of 5)__________________or 6)________________________,

                which is when Americans had a dislike or mistrust of immigrants.

                7) Protective tariffs are designed to help 7)___________________________________________


The 8)______________________________reduced tensions in the Middle East by brokering a peace agreement between Egypt and Israel.


The 9)________________________created a bicameral legislature. This is when there are two

houses of Congress called the 10)_________________and 11)__________________________.

I am aware that the word 12)________________________will be in many of the correct answer

regarding the 13)______________________________or



The 15)________________________wanted a Bill of Rights added to the Constitution because

they feared governmental16)________________________________.


Thomas Paine wrote 17)___________________________because he wanted colonists to seek

18)______________________from England.

When Thomas Jefferson signed a treaty to purchase the Louisiana Territory from the French, the

United States gained control of the 19)__________________________. This purchase set the

country on the course of 20)________________________________.

A 21)___________________________is someone who seeks to influence or persuade Congress to pass legislation (laws) favorable to their special interest group.

Upton Sinclair, 22)___________________, and 23)_______________________ are all


24)____________________________. These are journalists that wanted the government to

regulate big business or address various social issues during the 25)_______________________


The 26)______________________________decision ruled that 27)________________are

Property and could be taken by their owners to any state in the Union.


The 28)________________________________of the 1990s lowered tariffs and eliminated

quotas between the 29)_______________________________and the countries of Mexico and Canada.

If I see the name John Locke on the Regents, the question will likely be about 30)_____________


If I see the name 31)____________________________the question will probably be about the

National Bank. I will also recall that he was a Federalist and therefore 32)__________________

The ratification of the U.S. Constitution.