Thursday, April 17, 2014

Global Word Wall Answer Keys

II. Global Word Wall Answer Key- This is the answer key to the Fabulous Fifty Word Wall.


  1. Absolutism
  2. ---------------
  3. Absolute Rulers
  4. Divine Right
  5. Boxer rebellion
  6. Sepoy Mutiny
  7. --------------
  8. modernize
  9. natural resources/raw materials
  10. -----------------
  11. Zionism
  12. Balfour Declaration
  13. terrorism
  14. Encomienda System
  15. European diseases
  16. African slaves
  17. Triangular Trade
  18. Middle Passage
  19. Better technology/weapons
  20. Green Revolution
  21. food
  22. agriculture
  23. grain
  24. Niccolo Machiavelli
  25. Golden Age
  26. art
  27. medicine
  28. literature
  29. Native Americans
  30. complex
  31. road systems
  32. terrace farms\
  33. Rousseau
  34. Locke
  35. Montesquieu
  36. Voltaire
  37. government
  38. common
  39. nationalism/unification

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