Thursday, April 17, 2014

Global Word Wall Answer Keys

II. Global Word Wall Answer Key- This is the answer key to the Fabulous Fifty Word Wall.


  1. Absolutism
  2. ---------------
  3. Absolute Rulers
  4. Divine Right
  5. Boxer rebellion
  6. Sepoy Mutiny
  7. --------------
  8. modernize
  9. natural resources/raw materials
  10. -----------------
  11. Zionism
  12. Balfour Declaration
  13. terrorism
  14. Encomienda System
  15. European diseases
  16. African slaves
  17. Triangular Trade
  18. Middle Passage
  19. Better technology/weapons
  20. Green Revolution
  21. food
  22. agriculture
  23. grain
  24. Niccolo Machiavelli
  25. Golden Age
  26. art
  27. medicine
  28. literature
  29. Native Americans
  30. complex
  31. road systems
  32. terrace farms\
  33. Rousseau
  34. Locke
  35. Montesquieu
  36. Voltaire
  37. government
  38. common
  39. nationalism/unification

Global Word Walls

many of the multiple choice questions on the Global Regents can be answered correctly if you simply know the connections between topics in the question and keywords in the answer. These Global Word Walls will help you memorize those connections. The Answer Keys are on a separate page in the website listed under Global Word Wall Answer Keys.

I. Who Said It? Match the Name on the Top with the Quote at the bottom

1.      Alexander the Great                                                      7. Peter the Great

2.      Simon Bolivar                                                                 8. Mohandas Gandhi

3.      Philip II                                                                             9. Niccolo Machiavelli

4.      Karl Marx                                                                         10. Fidel Castro

5.      John Locke                                                                      11. Buddha                                                      

6.      Isaac Newton                                                                 12. Martin Luther


________A. We will overthrow the nationalists and form a government based on Marxist principles

________B. I am the state

________C.  Scientific theories must be proven by use of a scientific method

________D. My great military conquests will spread Hellenistic culture throughout the Middle East

________E. I agree with Toussaint L’Ouverture that the great influences on our independence have been the American and French Revolutions

________F. Capitalism and the Industrialists must be overthrown through the revolutionary efforts of the proletariat (working class)

_______G. In order for our country to achieve greatness, we must obtain a warm water port and westernize

_______H. The Church has become corrupt through the sale of indulgences.

_______I. A person’s freedoms come from their natural rights not from the whims of a king

_______J. A ruler must do whatever is necessary to stay in power

_______K.  Laws that are unjust must be peacefully resisted through civil disobedience

_______L. An enlightened path may reach the state of nirvana by giving up all worldly desires

II. Global Fabulous Fifty Word Wall


Instructions: Fill in the following based on your Global Fabulous Fifty Answer Key.


1. ____________________. 2. One ruler has all the power. 3._________________believe in


4.________________(their power came from god.



 The 5)_____________________and 6.________________________ attempted to remove

foreign influences (the British) from their country.



7.. The Meiji Restoration attempted to 8)_________________the country of Japan. The Japanese


had to acquire 9)___________________from other countries in order to industrialize.



10.. The movement to create a Jewish homeland is known as 11)._________________. Connect


any mention of the country Israel with the 12).________________________. This movement has


led to much of the 13)___________________ in the Middle East.


14.. ________________________enslaved many Native Americans. Many of them died from


15).___________________________. They were replaced with 16)._______________________


who came to the New World as part of the 17)_______________________________. The part


of the journey that carried the slaves was known as the 18)_________________________.The


Spanish were able to defeat the Native Americans because they had 19)___________________



Improvements in people’s ability to grow food is known as the 20)________________________.


I will remember to look for the words 21.________________22.__________________and


23.__________________ in the correct answer.



24)____________________________said that rulers should do whatever is necessary to maintain power or achieve their goals.


25). A _________________________is when societies have made progress in areas such as


major discoveries, technological advancements, or significant works of 26)____________


27)______________and 28)_________________



29) ___________________________were known for their 30) _____________civilizations


prior to the arrival of Europeans to the Western Hemisphere. The Incans are known for their


31)____________________ and 32)_______________________.






and 36)__________________are all known as Enlightenment philosophers. All of them wrote

about people’s relationship with their government. Correct answers on Enlightenment questions


usually have the word 37)_____________________or governed in them.



 Nationalism develops when people have things in 38)___________________with one another.


Similarities such as common language, customs and history will result in 39)______________


while differences will result in break them apart. This happened in the Soviet Union in the 1980s

because many of the people were not Russian and wanted to form countries based on their own ethnicities.
III. Global Religion Word Wall Matching – Match the religion at the top with the connecting vocabulary word at the bottom
1.      Christianity                                                                      5. Buddhism
2.      Judaism                                                                            6. Shinto/Animism
3.      Islam/Muslim                                                                 7. Confucianism                              
4.      Hinduism
_______A. Eightfold Path                                            ___________H. Civil Service exams
________B. Social order                               __________I.   Eliminating selfish desires
________C. Ten Commandments (2)                       _________J. Harmony with nature
________D. Spirits in nature                                       __________K. Koran
________E. Torah                                                         __________L. Bible
________F. Ramadan                                                   _________M. Filial Piety
________G. Nirvana                                                     _________N. Dharma
Global History Topic/Key Word or Phrase Matching
Match the topic below with the Key Word or Phrase that might be the correct connection in a Global History Multiple Choice Question. Some key words/phrases can apply to more than one topic.
1.      Crusades                                            5. Enlightenment                             9. Nationalism
2.      Constantinople                                6. French Revolution                       10. Industrial Revolution
3.      Age of Discovery/Exploration       7. Napoleon                                      11. Marxism
4.      Scientific Revolution                       8. Congress of Vienna                    12. Imperialism 
                                                                                                                                  13. Meiji Restoration
IV. Global History Key Words/Phrases
____________1. Natural Rights                                                               ___________19. Common Cultures
_____________2. Rise of Nationalist Movements                              ___________20. Harsh Russian Climate
____________3. Increase of Trade                                                         __________21. Class Struggle
____________4. Balance of Power                                                        ___________22. Encomienda System
_____________5. Native Americans die from disease                       ___________23. Social Darwinism
_____________6. Modernization                                                      ___________24. Raw Materials/Resources
_____________7. Trade and Location                                                   __________25. Steam Engine
____________8. Unification                                                                   
____________9. Stability
___________10. Laws of nature and reason
___________11. Spheres of Influence
___________12. Power shifts to the middle class
____________13. Growth of cities (urbanization)
____________14. Overthrow capitalism
____________15. Boxer Rebellion
_____________16. Natural Rights
_____________17. Columbian Exchange
_____________18. Industrialization (use of machines)
V. Global Word Wall 6
1.      Byzantine Empire (3)                                                     8. Crusades
2.      Renaissance (2)                                                              9. Feudalism
3.      Hellenistic                                                                       10. Golden Age (2)
4.      Opinion (3)
5.      Inflation
6.      Simon Bolivar
7.      Limit Power of the Monarch (3)
_________A.  Tang Dynasty                                                       _______K. Magna Carta
_________B. Machiavelli                                                           _______L. achievements
_________C. superior                                                                 ________M. access to trade routes
________D. Alexander the Great                               _______N. Hagia Sophia
________E. Glorious Revolution                                               ______O. prices rise
________F. greater                                                                     ______P.  feudalism weakens
_________G. contributions                                                        ______Q. preserve Greek and Roman culture
_________H. chivalry                                                                  ________R. better
_________I. Eastern Orthodox Church                                   _______S. English Bill of Rights
________J. independence                                                          ________T. Constantinople
VI. Global Word Wall
1.      Encomienda (2)
2.      Age of Discovery (2)
3.      Enlightened Despot (2)
4.      Magna Carta (2)
5.      Scientific Revolution (2)
6.      Crusades (2)
7.      Ancient Rome (2)
________A.  Roads
_________B. labor
_________C. reforms
_________D. Challenged the geocentric theory
_________E. Limit power
_________F. made possible by new technology
_________G. Native American slavery
__________H. Dominated the Mediterranean
__________I. observations and experiments
_________J. weakened feudalism
________K. led to European global domination
________L. accepts Enlightenment ideals
________M. Glorious Revolution
________N.  take back the Holy Land
VII. Global Word Wall – Match the words at the bottom with the topic/phrase that matches it at the top
1.      Laissez-faire                                                                   6. Imperialism
2.      Latin American                                                               7. Meiji Restoration
3.      Scientific Revolution                                                     8. Sepoy Mutiny/Boxer Rebellion
4.      Unification                                                                      9. Age of Discovery
5.      Industrial Revolution                                                    10. French Revolution
_________A. Rise of nationalist movements                                        ________J. private enterprise
_________B. question traditional beliefs                               _______K. capitalism
_________C. Independence                                                                     ________L. westernization
_________D. The Encounter                                                                    ________M. middle class gains power
_________E. urbanization                                                                         ________N. nationalism (2)
_________F. government doesn’t interfere                                          _________O. Simon Bolivar
_________G. Europeans have better weapons (2)                              _________P. exploitation
__________H. modernization                                                                  ________Q. Otto von Bismarck
__________I. remove foreigners    
__________J.  experiments/observation        
VIII. Global Word Wall 10
1.      Lenin (2)                                                                                          8. Napoleon
2.      Command Economy                                                     9. Industrial Revolution (2)
3.      Five-year Plan                                                                 10. Imperialism (2)
4.      Cause of the Russian Revolution (2)                          11. Berlin Conference
5.      Totalitarianism                                                               12. Sepoy Mutiny/Boxer Rebellion
6.      Cause of World War I (2)                                             13. White Man’s Burden
7.      Unification (2)                                                                14. French Revolution
________A. Third Estate                                              __________K. imperialism
________B. Government control (2)                                        __________L. growing middle class
________C.  Militarism                                                               __________M. nationalism
________D. Divide up Africa                                                      _________N. conditions of WWI
________E. stability                                                                    __________O. Bolshevik
________F. Heavy industry                                                        _________P. Otto von Bismarck
________G. Peace, land, bread                                                __________Q. Lenin
_________H. Responsibility                                                       _________R. strong dominate the weak
_________I. Social Darwinism                                                  _________S.  get rid of foreign influence
_________J.  Bad economy (2)                                                 _________T.   urbanization
IX. Global Word Wall 11
1.      Unification (2)                                                 8. Laissez-faire (2)
2.      Nationalism                                                     9. Napoleon
3.      Zionism (2)                                                       10. Industrial Revolution
4.      Otto von Bismarck (2)                                    11. French Revolution (2)
5.      Galileo/Isaac Newton                                   12. Scientific Revolution (2)                                      
6.      Enlightenment (2)                                           13. Encomienda
7.      Irish                                                                   14. Karl Marx (2)
________A. unification                                                               __________K. mass starvation
________B. growth of the middle class                                  __________L. hates capitalism
_________C. forced labor                                                          ________M. Balfour Declaration
_________D. Jewish Homeland                                                _________N. support heliocentric theory (2)
_________E. Middle class gains power                                   _________O. Adam Smith
_________F. stability                                                                  _________P. overthrow bourgeoisie
_________G. questioned traditional authority (3) _________Q. consent of the governed
__________H. supply and demand                                           _________R. Blood and Iron
__________I. Third Estate                                                         _________S. nationalism
__________J. Garibaldi                                                               __________T. natural rights
X. Match the words at the top with the word or phrase that it best connects with at the bottom
1.      Commoner                                                       8.Marshall Plan
2.      Sepoy Mutiny                                                  9. Poland and Hungary
3.      Industrialization                               10. Fall of Berlin Wall
4.      Meiji Restoration                                            11. Keep from going to the West
5.      Morale                                                              12. Korean War
6.      League of Nations                                          13. European Renaissance
7.      Nuremberg Trials                                            14. Collapse of the Soviet Union
_________A. Economic Recovery                               _________H. Indian Independence Movement
_________B. Peasant                                                     __________I. Failure/Manchuria
_________C. Satellite Nations                                  __________J. Cultural Achievements
_________D. Industrialization/Modernization       _________K.  End of the Cold War
_________E. Berlin Wall                                    _________L. Responsible for Human Rights Violations
_________F. 20th Century Turning Point           _________M. Level of enthusiasm
_________G. Need Natural Resources                ________N. Cold War Tensions
XI. Match the word at the top with the best match at the bottom
1.      United Nations                                                               7. Otto von Bismarck
2.      OPEC                                                                                8. Mussolini/Manchuria
3.      Four Modernizations                                                    9. Tiananmen Square
4.      Mercantilism                                                                  10. Mikhail Gorbachev
5.      Green Revolution                                                          11. Apartheid
6.      Glorious Revolution                                                      12. Marshall Plan
_________A. Failure of League of Nations                            __________G Glasnost/Perestroika
________B. Rebuild Economies                                                __________H. Increase factory/farm production
________C. Increase Agricultural Production                        __________I. Limit Power of the Monarchy
________D. Resolve Conflicts                                                   __________J. Colonies
________E. Democracy                                                              __________K Oil production
_________F. Racism                                                                    __________L Blood and Iron/Unification
XII. Match the Name on the Top with the word or phrase that best fits
1.      Otto von Bismarck                                         9. Mohandas Gandhi
2.      Ho Chi Minh                                                     10. Christopher Columbus
3.      Neville Chamberlain                                       11. George Marshall (Marshall Plan)
4.      Martin Luther                                                  12. Napoleon
5.      Alexander the Great                                       13. Adolf Hitler
6.      Sir Isaac Newton                                            14. Simon Bolivar
7.      Mao Zedong                                                    15. Emperor Meiji
8.      Mikhail Gorbachev                                         16.  Prince Klemens von Metternich
_________A. Won the support of peasants and women
________B. Congress of Vienna – 1. Balance of power and restore old regimes
________C. Appeasement at the Munich Conference
________D. Unification and Blood and Iron
________E. Civil Disobedience
_______F. Independence Movement
_______G. Stability
_______H. Rise of Fascism (Due to bad economic conditions)
_______I. Modernization – when you modernize/industrialize you need natural resources
________J. Natural Rights/Conduct Experiments
________K. Perestroika (Economic Reform)
________L. Hellenistic
_______M. Age of Exploration/Discovery
________N. Vietnam War – Cold War Tensions
________O. Protestant Reformation
________P. European Economic Recovery
XIII. Global Review Word Wall – Match the word/topic at the top with the word/phrase at the bottom
1.      Cultural diffusion (3)                                                     11. Incas (2)
2.      Neolithic Revolution (2)                                               12 Louis XIV
3.      Silk Road                                                                         
4.      Golden Age (2)
5.      Gunpowder
6.      Islam (2)
7.      Byzantine Empire (2)
8.      Feudalism
9.      Crusades (2)
10.   Martin Luther
______A.  civilization
______B Chinese
______C. adopt
______D.   weakened Feudalism
______E. Protestant Reformation
______F. Absolute Ruler
______G. Pray five times a day
______H. Increased trade
_______I. Adapt
_______J. Eastern Orthodox
_______K. Road systems
______L. Monotheistic
______M. advancements
______N. Preserved Greek and Roman culture
______O. trade
______P. Tang and Song Dynasties
______Q. terrace Farms
______R. domesticate animals
______S. Decentralized government
14. Global Word Wall – Match the topic at the top with the word/phrase at the bottom
1.      Protestant Reformation (3)                                         8. Triangle (2)
2.      Marco Polo                                                                     9. Ottoman Empire                                       
3.      Niccolo Machiavelli                                                      10. Meiji Restoration
4.      Pax                                                                                    11. Japan (2)
5.      Commercial Revolution (2)                                          12.  Africa
6.      Civil Service Examinations                                           13. Printing Press
7.      Enlightenment
______A. isolationist                                                                   _________N. Martin Luther
______B. 95 Thesis                                                                      _________O. spread ideas
_______C. Guild                                                                           _________P. peace
_______D. Citizens treated equally                                          _________Q. capitalism
________E. Rigid class system                                                  _________R. Modernization
________F. spread interest in other cultures         
________G. sale of indulgences
________H. lacks natural resources
________I abundant natural resources
________J. Constantinople
________K. social hierarchy
________L. political power
________M. Chinese
15. Global Word Wall Matching – Match the Topic/Phrase at the top with the word/phrase at the bottom
1.      Neolithic Revolution                                                     9. Marco Polo
2.      Trade                                                                                10. Martin Luther (2)
3.      Mountains/deserts                                                        11. Japan (2)
4.      Middle Kingdom                                              12. Commercial Revolution                                        
5.      Buddhism (2)                                                                   13. Humanism
6.      Influenced Russia                                                          14. mercantilism
7.      Confucianism (2)                                                            15. unification
8.      Feudalism
___________A. Barriers
__________B. Eightfold Path
__________C. China
__________D. Guilds
__________E. Decline of Catholic Church power
_________F. Isolationist
_________G. cultural diffusion
________H. filial piety
________I.  decentralized government
________J. Byzantine Empire
_______K. Ninety-Five Thesis
________L.  Reliable food supply
________M.  Increased Trade
________N. emphasis on individual achievement
________O. social/family order
________P.  nirvana
_______Q. lacks natural resources
________R. colonies
________. Otto von Bismarck